This young family decided after years living abroad, to return in 2018 to Bracciano and to realize their dream of running a farm in the countryside of the Lazio region.

Fattoria Fortebraccio is a multifunctional farm, a place that allows the full and healthy development of people, based on the re-appropriation of the seasonal rhythms of the human being in a natural environment. An agricultural project that links natural fruit and vegetable production to the development of social-work integration activities, training, and cultural initiatives. A meeting space, open and connected to the world. They are inspired by synergic agriculture, agroecology, permaculture, and biodynamics. They have a vision of society based on sustainable, ethical, and responsible of social, economic, and environmental practices.

Amelia, 4 years old is growing at the farm conscious of the fact that she belongs to the Earth and that the natural world is something to respect and protect. She knows so much already about plants and stars.